分類:初二作文 字數:700字 編輯:小景
Once the once,
So happy happy,
Thought you were,
When my friends are.
Yes I may be too weak
Know how far off of my mistake.
It turned out that
Why did you meet with me than the excitement of the past,
Have a look of helplessness;
Why Beat you can not see the telephone you,
It is has been no one to answer;
Why are you always talking in front of friends,
But the total neglect of the silently beside me;
Why am I waiting for you in your home you do not go home,
It is to hang around in the small county of scenery;
Why are you writing me from not good,
There is a complaint against me.
So you do not want to see me,
So you do not want to pay attention to me,
So you do not want to attach importance to me,
So you do not want to accept me,
So you do not understand me.
My youngest,
Once so naive as to ask you,
Who is most important.
You are always tricky to answer,
No one important.
Maybe you have already hate me.
You paid me the money
I now give back to you,
Here you are once my trust,
Back now.
Friendship is not allowed to be insulted,
Road now that the different sub-Zhi,
Would not have to have common ground.
I returned to you,
Once you are friendly,
The once lively,
Once the purity,
The once sweet,
Sister love once.
Now that,
You did not allow me to appear in your life,
I will only leave.
Now I”m,
Do not owe you anything
It also, I would quietly also.
Now I”m,
Quietly away
Leave your world.
What have been away from me.
Heaven and Earth, and
Where have my hearts home.
I am gone,
As I come to lightly.
Simply pass my swing,
Not a cloud away.
todayleave(《如今離開》的英文版) 作文推薦:

- ·todayleave(《如今離開700字
- ·自我介紹(英文版) to in100字
- ·如今離開700字
- ·diaryofathief(小偷1500字
- ·相遇分離的距離(《雲和雨》的詩歌300字
- ·感恩父親(英文版)600字
- ·《同學總動員》之“李子”(英文版600字
- ·寶塔里的女孩(英文版)100字
- ·酸甜苦辣!趣味暑假!(英文版)700字
- ·酸甜苦辣!趣味暑假!(英文版)(600字
- ·我的書包(英文版)100字
- ·天才畫家(英文版)1300字
- ·給媽媽的一封信(英文版)300字
- ·綠葉(英文版)400字
- ·日全食(英文版)700字
- ·我最喜愛的明星(英文版)200字
- ·這就是我(英文版)350字
- ·正邪大戰(英文版)600字
- ·蘇州園林(英文版)200字
- ·[英文版]archive。(昔日1200字
- ·neversaygoodbye(3000字
- ·neversaygoodgye(1500字
- ·ahealthylifestyl100字
- ·ahealthylifestyl100字
- ·ahealthylifestyl100字
- ·herhealthylifest200字
- ·mylifestyle100字
- ·mylifestyle100字
- ·writtenrequestfo600字
- ·goodbye,mylove1400字
- ·todayisrainy100字
- ·today100字
- ·誰讓我這麼狼狽900字
- ·墜入凡間的精靈19--因禍得福1500字
- ·寒假打工記1000字
- ·打工記1300字
- ·嵩山少林寺2400字
- ·網游之修羅劍聖序章500字
- ·不屈服的命運—劍聖31800字
- ·我眼中的灰太狼350字
- ·我說灰太狼700字
- ·灰太狼有外遇了1900字
- ·狼人之謎1400字
- ·狼人(8)100字
- ·狼人(7)200字
- ·兩隻小花狗作文 淘氣包弟弟作文
- ·心緒作文 競選中隊長作文
- ·愛國詩作文 第一次失敗作文
- ·驀然作文 青島極地海洋世界作文
- ·快樂出發作文 美麗的人民公園作文
- ·家庭作文
- ·聆聽四季作文
- ·誠信的故事作文
- ·《駱駝祥子》讀後感500字
- ·校園的花壇作文
- ·等待花開作文
- ·漫長作文1000字 世界作文300字
- ·美麗的日照作文 破碎作文500字
- ·局長作文400字 比童年作文1000字
- ·服裝作文600字 十歲作文500字
- ·母愛的偉大作文900字 未來作文250字
- ·相親作文700字