分類:初三作文 字數:200字 編輯:得得9
myweekends 標籤:myweekend作文 weekends作文 weekend作文 myweek作文
Dear David,
I”m glad to receive your letter.You ask me about my life on weekend.Now let me tell you something about it.
I usually spend one second time doing my homework and rest of time I usually play sports or games such as football,soccer,walking and so on.I think that we should relax ourselves at times.I don”t konow if you agree with me.
I plan to spend one second time finishing my homework.Then I use one fourth time to play music.Finally,it takes me the rest of time to do more excercise in order to keep me healthy.
How about you?Please tell me in next letter.
myweekends 作文推薦:
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