分類:初三作文 字數:200字 編輯:小景
I come in spring . The grass comes out, the trees turn green and the kites fly in the sky.
In summer , it is so hot . People like me best. I can call my friend Cloud to hide the sun . Rain , another friend of mine , will also come .Then it will become cool.
In fall , I come again . The grass and leaves turn yellow .And the flowers begin to wither.
In winter , people don”t like me .When I come , it will be much colder.
Who am I ? Right, I”m Wind .
whoami 作文推薦:
whoami 暫無評論相關作文
- ·who-who-who1200字
- ·英語pk,who怕who啊?100字
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- ·what is hope300字
- ·whereshallwegoon200字
- ·what should i do200字
- ·whatshouldwedofo200字
- ·whatshouldwedoto400字
- ·whatshouldwedoto100字
- ·whatshouldwedoto100字
- ·doyouknowhowtofi300字
- ·who200字
- ·who is not polit900字
- ·whoami200字
- ·whocangivemewarm100字
- ·whoisshe?300字
- ·whosayswaitisaki100字
- ·whotomelove300字
- ·whowon300字
- ·youaskme,iaskwho200字
- ·初一英語作文:whoami?200字
- ·一年級英語作文:whoami?100字
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- ·揮動無影的翅膀500字
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- ·母愛的詮釋700字
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- ·父愛的詮釋1800字
- ·愛的詮釋800字
- ·愛的詮釋500字
- ·愛的詮釋800字
- ·愛的詮釋1200字
- ·愛的詮釋1100字
- ·揮着翅膀的女孩700字
- ·揮着翅膀的女孩600字
- ·揮着翅膀的女孩500字
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- ·再走一步作文 我的讀書體會作文
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- ·刻苦學習作文 說夢作文
- ·夜觀作文600字