分類:初三作文 字數:200字 編輯:得得9
sillyasme 標籤:thisisme作文 smile作文 hello作文 football作文
At first,I admit,I”m so silly.
That is true.
Should I go on like now?
I don”t know.
For example,I feel very tired every day.
Because of thinking.
What am I thinking about?
I don”t know.
Everybody said like that:"Don”t worry a lot.You are so smart!"
Smart? Me?!
I don”t know.
Silly as me,that is so sorrow.
You know.
The world is really strange.
It being a lot of variables.
Anyway, we can live in the world, is not easy.
I know.
So, although I”m silly,I have never given up.
And, I will never.
So, smart as you,you shouldn”t give up yourself.
So, from now on,please try you best.
Nothing is impossible.
sillyasme 作文推薦:

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