分類:初一作文 字數:900字 編輯:pp958
theendlessnightmare無盡噩夢 標籤:theend作文 thestars作文 theseason作文 happiness作文
Chapter 3 Erica walked into the classroom poking her head. She was just making sure that there aren’t any paper airplanes flying or people hidden behind the door. She was right, the room looks disastrous. The teacher was just going to the photo copying room, and the room becomes the nether world. A paper airplane flew and crushed one Erica’s forehead. “Whose is it?” Erica chocked. “It’s mine! You broke my precious little airplane!” Tommy wasn’t sorry for Erica at all, instead, he was sorry for his dear little paper plane.
Ignore them. Just ignore them
Erica was walking to her seat, Tommy set his legs and make me trip. She fell on my face. Tommy and his friend giggled. Melissa helped her up. Amber walked to Tommy and force a smile to her pretty face. She raised her hand. “Good job, Tommy. Give me five!” They did a high five in the air.
Erica was too mad to care about Amber. All her anger fastened on Tommy. “Tommy Anderson! YOU ARE SOOOOOOOOO DEAD!” Erica was very very mad. She was not a bad-tempered person. But today she was extremely exasperated. If you every say this sentence to someone it means you are really angry at that person, it doesn’t mean that you are really going to kill that person. And when Erica said it, she didn’t mean it. How ever, the teacher walked in the wrong time. And even worse, she took the whole thing very wrong. “Erica, why would you ever say something like that? I’ve always thought you had good manners.” The whole class was staring at Erica. She blushed miserably. “But Tommy tripped me! I was just wreaking, I didn’t mean it.” Melissa protested. “That’s not what I saw. Erica was trying to trip Tommy but he was too smart to fall for it.” Amber’s snotty voice could be heard. Amber leered at Tommy with narcissism. Erica was pounding hard. She couldn’t bear any longer, she wanted to torn Amber up. Just for this matter, not to mention the argument between Amber and Ryan. Erica decided not to fuss about this, why should I care what Amber says? Who does she think she is? She’s just a floozie. “Erica, is that true?” The teacher’s voice was very stern now. Erica’s hopeless litter eyes fell on Melissa. Maybe will say something for her. No, no way! Erica knows her friend to well. She won’t. She is too feel vexed. I can’t blame her for that. She is nice, but also a coward.” Erica thought to her self. She didn’t take Amber seriously. She thought Amber was just being mean. Some people were born mean. Maybe it’s not their fault. But what she doesn’t know is, her battle with Amber just took the field.
theendlessnightmare無盡噩夢 作文推薦:
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