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theendlessnightmare無盡噩夢 標籤:theend作文 thestars作文 theseason作文 happiness作文

“How did you know I had a plan like that?” Erica asked. But really, who was it? Melissa? Maybe, she is so naive and... No, please don’t let it be her. Erica begged in her mind.   “I requested Melissa to tell me about it.”

  You know what? Some times the truth is so against our minds.   “But you and Ryan won’t get on.”   “Yes we will. I am very cooperative”    “But remember you had a fight with him last morning? And he was so angry that he punched you?” Amber is so hard to stick with.   “I apologized to him yesterday. I guess it’s over.”   “Sorry, just because you pretended to apologize yesterday in my house, doesn’t mean we could be friends the next day. Remember how much you owe me. And I’ll never forget.”   “So, is that a no?” Amber asked slily.   How Erica wished to say no, and no for a million times. But she simply couldn’t, for that Amber got the newspaper. If she destroy it, it will always be a mystery. There is no second sheet of the special newspaper.   “Alright, yes.” Erica said unwillingly.   Amber handed out the newspaper with a suspicious look on her face.   “Listen, if you cheat on me. You’ll pay for it.” Amber ejaculated grimly.   Erica swallowed hard. What is going on? Everything seems so weird. So many questions to be answered. Why is Amber so interested? How will Ryan make sure Tommy won’t bother Erica again? How did Melissa just varnish that afternoon? Where did Tommy go?    A terrible feeling rushed to Erica’s mind. All this stuff has something to do with the special newspaper. 

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