a person information_200字
分類:初一作文 字數:200字 編輯:得得9
a person information 標籤:penfriend作文 forever作文 flowers作文 dnf作文
My name is LiQiang and I am born in a small city of ShanDong province,may14th,1978.I not only strong,but also health.I graduated from a university of ShanDong.
I have some good characters,such as writing,composisions,interviewee people,eidor a number of article and can deal with an outbreak acident well.I play computer as uaual,so I have skill of computer.I very like be a reporter in my childhood.So I often learn some skill of reporter.Often imitate reporter to interviewee my friends.I have a large experience of reporter.
I have many hobby,such as go hiking,read books,read poem of poet and play football.I am interested in this job.I hope I can work with you.
a person information 作文推薦:
a person information 暫無評論相關作文
- ·a person informa200字
- ·an unforgettable250字
- ·an unforgettable350字
- ·informationonveg100字
- ·做一個有禮貌的人(to be a400字
- ·my favourite per150字
- ·myfavouriteperso200字
- ·the person i lov100字
- ·the person i adm200字
- ·my favourite per300字
- ·the most importa100字
- ·the person that 200字
- ·my most importan150字
- ·my favourite per150字
- ·personal record200字
- ·my favourite per350字
- ·the person i don100字
- ·greenpeppers200字
- ·【supermanseries】200字
- ·activitiesinfour100字
- ·unforgettablefir1000字
- ·lookingforapenfr100字
- ·readerswerealsow1400字
- ·論毅力(on persevera573字
- ·neversayforever,1400字
- ·super五四班的super小孩600字
- ·super五四班裡的super小600字
- ·super四班的super小孩700字
- ·super四班的super小孩300字
- ·super四班的super小孩(600字
- ·追夢900字
- ·感情400字
- ·雲的遐想200字
- ·微笑200字
- ·終不悔,你的眉眼我的妝1300字
- ·一輛自行車350字
- ·母親200字
- ·隨想300字
- ·我700字
- ·8元5角錢的震撼1200字
- ·夜300字
- ·welcome to my co250字
- ·親情350字
- ·珍惜你的家865字
- ·書香作伴400字
- ·完美公主作文 桃花開了作文
- ·讀雷鋒故事有感作文 要相信自己作文
- ·愛讀書的我作文 當班長作文
- ·人生若只如初見作文 你的笑作文
- ·冷了作文 讀《慈母情深》有感作文
- ·鐵索作文
- ·餵魚作文
- ·幫助同學作文
- ·小木偶奇遇記作文
- ·縮寫《草船借箭》作文
- ·我長大了作文200字
- ·家教作文 抓小偷作文
- ·豐富多彩作文600字 我的夢,中國夢作文200字
- ·可愛的秋天作文 只差一步作文1000字
- ·仰望天空作文100字 大榕樹作文200字
- ·文盲作文700字 掠影作文700字
- ·產品說明書作文500字