a special day_150字
分類:初一作文 字數:150字 編輯:pp958
a special day 標籤:spring作文 cosplay作文 penpal作文 mypenpal作文
Last Sunday,I was busy but had a good fun!And last Sunday was a special day for me .Because my friends and I went to a big farm.In the morning,wen went to the farm by car .When we arrived there,lots of farmers met us.We were tired,so we relaxed on farm.Then we had a delicious lunch.In the afternoon,we helped the farmers to feed animals. I fed the rabbits ,because I think they were very cute .Next,we picked the fruit,such as apples ,oranges,strawberries.The strawberries were very fresh, We ate them and made some juice together.Finally,we went to home by car. It was interesting.
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