a speech_250字
分類:高二作文 字數:250字 編輯:pp958
a speech 標籤:spring作文 cosplay作文 penpal作文 mypenpal作文
Dear friends
In recent years, many of us spend a lot of time on the internet with its popularity. While we are enjoying the convenience brought by the internet, we are probably losing the ability to write Chinese characters . In order to protect our traditional culture, I would like to share my opinions on behalf of the Student Union.
We should develop a good habit in practicing handwriting and keeping a diary. We should use Chinese characters so that we can't forget them. Then we can also practice calligraphy. From my perspective, this will not only improve our handwriting, but also give us a chance to attach to Chinese traditional culture. We will also launch a campaign about calligraphy. Those who have great interest can join us.
I think that my suggestions can raise our awareness and pay more attention on this matter. Let's take action now!
a speech 作文推薦:

- ·speech----ilovee900字
- ·perfectspecialag400字
- ·myenglishspeech400字
- ·speech on friend700字
- ·a debate speech700字
- ·father”sdayspeec700字
- ·a speech250字
- ·speech150字
- ·what will happen300字
- ·christmasaspecia300字
- ·respect teachers500字
- ·respect teachers300字
- ·special hol500字
- ·the importance o300字
- ·shouldoneexpecta400字
- ·greenpeppers200字
- ·thechristmastree1100字
- ·高二英語作文:aspecialg400字
- ·a special smile200字
- ·aspecialletter300字
- ·myspecialfriend100字
- ·themanirespectmo100字
- ·英語作文:a special d350字
- ·notveryspecialit800字
- ·the specail days250字
- ·specialgril『受傷女孩1600字
- ·secretspeakingif400字
- ·a special day150字
- ·inspecialroad100字
- ·specialgirl200字
- ·勇於嘗試350字
- ·舞蹈700字
- ·生活去等待500字
- ·舞蹈練習500字
- ·生活,故事,未來350字
- ·光污染350字
- ·日常700字
- ·勵志女孩500字
- ·回報不會缺席1000字
- ·練字400字
- ·快樂的宿捨生活400字
- ·思想的影響400字
- ·你就是自己的天下450字
- ·自由之翼展於秩序天空800字
- ·拒絕與自己和解700字
- ·參觀海底世界作文 後會無期作文
- ·嶗山遊記作文 語文考試作文
- ·荔枝作文 我家的微波爐作文
- ·奧運有感作文 20年後再相會作文
- ·我愛母校作文 我不怕困難作文
- ·妖姬作文
- ·春天的足跡作文600字
- ·我不再自卑作文
- ·感謝父親作文
- ·新的起點作文
- ·生命的真諦作文
- ·記一次有意義的活動作文 成長的路上作文
- ·平凡的世界作文 老師不在作文1000字
- ·三個好朋友作文 桃花溪作文
- ·神七作文700字 夏花作文900字
- ·花燈作文700字 我喜歡讀書作文
- ·無私的母愛作文800字