going to the restaurant_400字
分類:高二作文 字數:400字 編輯:pp958
going to the restaurant 標籤:thestars作文 theseason作文 parents作文 myparents作文
Going to the Restaurant-上館子
We frequently eat out at a restaurant on occasions like going to a wedding dinner or a birthday party, or relatives from out of town coming to visit us, or just close friends spending an evening together . Our favorite restaurant called ‘Green leaf ’specializes in Taiwanese food. On weekends, the restaurant is always very crowded and noisy; the waitresses are always busy carrying food. The food is not heavily spiced, yet very delicious; the prices are reasonable, too. The small children like fish balls, and like their fresh green vegetables; it is really a nice family place to eat.
American Fast Food【美式速食】
Since our government has opened the market for foreign goods and investment, American fast food chain stores such as McDonald”s, Wendy”s, and Kentucky fried chicken are coming to Taiwan under the open policy.
Many people, particularly youngsters take American fast food at least twice a week. The reasons are firstly, it is a nice place to eat and relax. You can talk to your friends at leisure time without interruption. Secondly, the place and the food are clean. And thirdly, it probably a fashionable thing to eat American food.
American fast food has proved that if you want to have a good business you should feed customers” stomachs.
Going to the Restaurant-上館子going to the restaurant 作文推薦:

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