sorrow winter_600字
分類:高二作文 字數:600字 編輯:小景
sorrow winter 標籤:sorry作文 winter作文 internet作文 introduce作文
“Come on ! Time is gold !” I shouted . My classmate Xiao Feng ran after me as soon as he heard that .
It was ten to twelf ! I thought that we would be late . It was English teacher that put off English lesson ! What I thought was quite right ! It turned out after we arrived the dormitory . “Oh , my goodness ! We need to wait for a long time !” I said to Xiao Feng . “Well , there’s so many people using water at the moment . Why not eat at first .” “ Ah , that’s a good idea , that’s go !”
We went to dining hall and had lunch . Unfortunately , there’re too many people as well . We came to the dormitory once again and happiness appeared in our face beacause only a few students were using water . We went up stairs and put away our private cloth . “All right ! All right ! I’m stupid again !” I yelled . “What’s the matter ?” “ I forget bringing wash liquid . I must…got it ?”
I started to do the job while Xiao Feng began earlier . When I took my hands into the water , I couldn’t stand and said loudly , “How cold the water is ! I can’t stand it any longer !” “So what ? you have to put up with !” Xiao Feng answered .
At that time , the cold wind became stronger and stronger , I wondered whether it was below zero degree . You would never know that the wind which was just like a range of knives nearly killed me .
The moment we were busy fighting in the cold wind , some students were carrying water and ready to beat in cold ! “What a man !” I was surprised at it . “Never say die . It’s a piece of cake .” My friend refreshed me .
Though the hand felt freezing cold , even the cold water was warmer than , I should still fight until I defeated the fate !
In sorrow , but face the music , beat it !
sorrow winter 作文推薦:

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- ·sorry,mymachteac300字
- ·keepwaterresourc100字
- ·teacher,sisteror1300字
- ·internetandcompu300字
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- ·environment prot1200字
- ·protectourenviro100字
- ·to protect the e250字
- ·protect the envi50字
- ·protect environm200字
- ·protect the en350字
- ·protect environm250字
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