聖誕節(christmas day)_1100字
分類:高三作文 字數:1100字 編輯:得得9
聖誕節(christmas day) 標籤:christmas作文 聖誕節作文 聖誕節的禮物作文 快樂聖誕節作文
christmas day
christmas day falls on the twenty-fifth of december. it is a very happy day for many boys and girls . before the term ends in some schools , the children act a nativity① or “birth” play, showing how jesus② was born in a stable③.
on the twenty-fourth of december, all children are very excited. usually they are sent to bed early so that their parents can get the presents ready. the younger children think that father christmas will come down the chimney or fireplace , so they hang up a sock for him to put presents in. the greedy ones even hang up a pillow-case④ or a sack⑤ to try to get more presents. later that night, father or mother will put presents in the sock, and leave others at the side of the bed.
on christmas morning, the children wake up very early. some even turn on the light at two o”clock, and most of them are awake by six o”clock although it is not light in england for another hour or two at this time of the year.
children look for their presents , and the young ones play while the dinner is prepared. at about one o”clock in the afternoon, the christmas dinner is brought in . the turkey or chicken is quickly eaten . children search in their christmas pudding for new coins which are hidden in it . the rest of the day is full of games and eating until the happiest of all christmas hollidays comes to an end.
聖誕節(christmas day) 作文推薦:

- ·想念聖誕節1000字
- ·永遠的聖誕節600字
- ·童年『聖誕節』傻事600字
- ·聖誕節禮物500字
- ·快樂的聖誕節400字
- ·聖誕節的禮物250字
- ·快樂的聖誕節700字
- ·聖誕節300字
- ·聖誕節的來客600字
- ·我的聖誕節200字
- ·聖誕節禮物200字
- ·一個人的聖誕節200字
- ·獻給白色的浪漫聖誕節3000字
- ·聖誕節700字
- ·今年的聖誕節400字
- ·聖誕節英語作文350字
- ·聖誕節500字
- ·聖誕節350字
- ·快樂的聖誕節450字
- ·美好的聖誕節250字
- ·那份來自聖誕節的感動400字
- ·期待聖誕節400字
- ·聖誕節的禮物400字
- ·聖誕節的祈禱900字
- ·聖誕節500字
- ·我們班的聖誕節200字
- ·快樂的聖誕節200字
- ·聖誕節的禮物1800字
- ·快樂的聖誕節400字
- ·總結聖誕節450字
- ·讀《《圓明園的毀滅》》有感800字
- ·平安夜蘭100字
- ·冬日裡,平安夜600字
- ·“我今天要你們過個平安夜!”200字
- ·遇上你是我的幸運1600字
- ·三生有幸遇上你1600字
- ·我和同學500字
- ·隨想錄-一片荒蕪100字
- ·雪,生命無能承受的輕1100字
- ·煙雨江南,滿地相思1400字
- ·手工布鞋的情結1600字
- ·布鞋400字
- ·歇馬追思1600字
- ·夢裡花落知多少800字
- ·《夢裡花落知多少》讀後感700字
- ·美德伴我行作文 輪滑比賽作文
- ·我讀懂了父親的心作文 心與心的距離作文
- ·魔杖作文 千秋諸葛我評說作文
- ·假如我是蚊子作文 一件傷心事作文
- ·追憶作文 鋼鐵作文
- ·教師節那天作文
- ·新房子作文
- ·綠蘿作文
- ·七月七日作文
- ·童年的水墨畫作文
- ·青春歲月作文
- ·半夜驚魂作文 發芽作文700字
- ·放肆作文600字 外婆家作文600字
- ·自然作文800字 大隊委員競選作文400字
- ·心裡作文800字 游香港海洋公園作文
- ·姿勢作文400字 東施作文
- ·企鵝作文700字