my friend_100字
分類:高一作文 字數:100字 編輯:小景
my friend 標籤:my friend作文 myfriend作文 myfriends作文 friend作文
She is a very lovely girl with big eyes and long black hair. There is always a sweet smile on her lovely face. She is my friend——Emily.
Emily is warm-hearted and she is always ready to help others. Whenever she is in need, she never stands by with arms folded. Everyone who knows her likes to make friends with her.
Emily is one of the best students in our class. She is diligent and always pays attention to that the teachers say in class. We often play and study together. We are very happily.
I have learnt a good deal from her. I believe our friendship will last friend 作文推薦:
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