my family rules_200字
分類:高一作文 字數:200字 編輯:小景
my family rules 標籤:rules作文 myfamily作文 my family作文 myhobbies作文
A country has its laws and a family has its riles ,too.My family also has
some rules.
First of all,I have to be home by 10:00,because it is dangerious to go home
late.Next ,I'm not allowed to watch TV on shool nights.In my opinion,I need time
to relax instead of studying on school nights,Finally , The biggest problem is
that I can not join clubs .My parents think that is bad for my study.They do not
know I am interested in running,playing basketball and writing.
as the saying goes ,''Nothing can be accomplished without norms or
standards''.I know I should study hard.but I an old enough to make my own
descision.I hope my parents could my parents could understand me and give me
more freedom.
my family rules 作文推薦:

- ·myenglishteacher200字
- ·my best friend150字
- ·ilovemyhouse100字
- ·六年級作文:my day(4篇)400字
- ·mygoodfriend100字
- ·myschool100字
- ·my week300字
- ·myfriend”slifest100字
- ·mynewcomputer700字
- ·mypet50字
- ·my rules100字
- ·myhobby200字
- ·my vacation100字
- ·myweek100字
- ·myduty600字
- ·my friend250字
- ·小學英語日記附教師評語-mysk200字
- ·myfamily200字
- ·my mom200字
- ·初三英語作文:mydreamsc300字
- ·my english teach200字
- ·myfavouriteseaso300字
- ·myhouse200字
- ·mylovlysister100字
- ·myfavouriteseaso100字
- ·my family250字
- ·an email to myse250字
- ·my home town700字
- ·myclassroom200字
- ·my100字
- ·這也是一種愛1100字
- ·這世界需要你1300字
- ·相信自己350字
- ·堅信自己,不動搖800字
- ·夢想起航1500字
- ·朋友不是媽200字
- ·母親節寫給媽媽的話250字
- ·媽媽是美人,歲月別害她450字
- ·媽媽的絕招350字
- ·媽媽,我想對您說500字
- ·媽媽,您辛苦了!500字
- ·和媽媽吵架250字
- ·爸媽的幸福瞬間300字
- ·“媽媽”?老師?700字
- ·最熟悉的陌生人800字
- ·絕倫作文 不存在作文
- ·國慶閱兵式作文 繁華與冷清作文
- ·有一個姑娘作文 遊戲王作文
- ·憂慮作文 我心中美好的家園作文
- ·到校作文 奇葩作文
- ·虞美人作文
- ·種花生作文
- ·游金華雙龍洞作文
- ·美人魚作文
- ·夜空里作文
- ·我真的長大了作文
- ·與經典同行作文 嘆息作文100字
- ·分手作文100字 我愛校園作文500字
- ·裙子作文700字 文盲作文900字
- ·樂樂作文600字 自編古詩作文
- ·同一個家園作文 生命的永恆作文
- ·十年之後作文600字