分類:初二作文 字數:200字 編輯:小景
myhobby 標籤:myhobbies作文 myhobby作文 hobbies作文 hobby作文
Everyone have(has) thier(their) own hobby(hobbies). my hobby is reading books.
Books are always our greatset (greatest)friends and the best teatcher. They give us all kinds of knoledge(knowledge). I started reading books when I was 6 years old. My parents give(gave) me a story book as a gift. I love it .So ,I love all kinds of books. I have been reading books for 7 years. I also enjoy collecting books .I have a lot of books about history、(英文沒有頓號這個標點)storys、articles and so on. I think many stories for me are interesting and full of wisdom.
All the character (Everyone)loves books, too. Books help them become successful because books are the source of knowledge and knowledge is the source of success.Athough I can not be famous, but books always make me really happy.
I love reading!
- ·myhobby100字
- ·我游三疊泉900字
- ·生命的寶貴 劉思怡700字
- ·《簡愛》讀後感900字
- ·我看《功夫熊貓》2100字
- ·享受讀書生活500字
- ·我的讀書生活700字
- ·我的讀書生活700字
- ·讀書生活的苦與樂600字
- ·學會微笑——觀《少女穆然》有感1000字
- ·學會微笑600字
- ·學會微笑400字
- ·學會微笑200字
- ·此情可待成追憶——佐為1400字
- ·此情可待成追憶700字
- ·在家裡作文 遵規守紀作文
- ·無能作文 螳螂作文
- ·奧數作文 寒假總結作文
- ·小企鵝去中國作文 有多愛作文
- ·找書作文 觀日落作文
- ·我的記憶作文
- ·湯圓作文600字
- ·裂縫作文
- ·香蕉作文
- ·清明掃墓作文500字
- ·最恨的人作文
- ·咖啡豆作文 水晶作文500字
- ·學會了關心作文500字 講話作文800字
- ·我的家鄉作文250字 院子里作文400字
- ·記住作文800字 我感動的一件事作文
- ·三步曲作文500字 哭了作文600字
- ·就這樣慢慢長大作文800字