分類:六年級作文 字數:100字 編輯:得得9
mybrother 標籤:mybrother作文 mymother作文 my mother作文 mother作文
I have a cute brother.He is only six years old,but he is very smart nonetheless.
He always helps mother with housework.He can sweep the floor,do the dishes,make the bed,and so on.My mother often said:“What a helpful kid!I like this kid.”He is only six years old,but he studys English very well.Sometimes we are go shopping,he can speak English with American.My family think he is a luck dog.
My brother is a luck dog.Do you agree for me?
mybrother 作文推薦:
mybrother 暫無評論
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- ·小狗“貝貝”500字
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