分類:六年級作文 字數:900字 編輯:小景
“This is boring! I shouldn’t have come with you in the first place, Liqi!” Jess yelled. I don’t blame her. Our teacher wanted us to do a project on islands in the holidays. So we thought that this place, which was called ‘Bay of Islands’, would do the thing. So Jess, my partner, came with me. But what we do all day is to ride a ferry and go around the islands, which was really big. First, Jess and I thought it was fun. But just think about it, a whole holiday going around the islands, I’d go crazy! We sat in the hotel, thinking about what to do. Then, this great idea came to my mind. I knew that Jess would love it! “Jess!” I called to her. “What?” She answered back. “Do you remember the tiny little island we saw the day before?” I asked again. “Yes, what? You want to go there? Are you crazy?” I could hear her laughing. “Jess, this is not a joke. I thought that you wanted to go exploring. And I thought that, we could go to the island, the tiny island!” I told her my idea. There was a pulse. “YOU know what, Liqi, you’re a GENIUS! Let’s get packed now! We’ll leave as soon as we’re well packed.” I smiled; I knew that Jess is going to love this. “We could stay overnight, if you want?” Then I saw Jess coming in to my room, with her bag. “I’m packed. You’d better be quick, Or I’ll leave with out you!” Ok, 5 minutes later, we went off. But, how are we going to go there? We can’t go there with a tour thing. But if we want to borrow a boat or something,, that would be worth a fortune! I forgot, that there is still Jess, she can solve any problem if she’s excited. 20 minutes later, Jess came to me, and there, was a key to the boat. “How did you do that? I’ve looked at all the boats, and no one, NO ONE said that we could borrow. Jess, you’re AMAZING! Now tell me about it. “ I said to Jess on the boat. Jess shrugged, “I guess that everyone loves money. When I said that I would pay 20 dollars each hour, there were at least, 20 men coming. So I chose. Smart, uh?” Jess is rich as! On our way, we met this guy, fishing guy. He was really nice and asked if he could help. We were so glad. We didn’t know the way to the tiny island anyway. But his face darkened when we mentioned where we’re going. “Young ladies,” he said, “I warn you not to go. For 5 years ago, a young lady just like you, went to that isle, but she never returned, neither did the ones who went to rescue her. We call that isle, Isle of Dead.” We were scared, but not for long. Those stories are for little kids. And how old are we? We’re 17 now. And 17 is not little. Even a 5 year old kid wouldn’t believe that. A girl disappearing? I don’t think so, That’s just silly. That fishing guy-Bob showed us the way. And we’re there…
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