分類:三年級作文 字數:900字 編輯:得得9
A Pig
Once, there is a black pig. It’s name is “fat and fat” =“best fat”. It is so fat, because it don’t like sports and working, and like eat. it has 2000 kg . So many people don’t play with it, because it is very fat.
One day, it said : “Oh. Who can play with me?’’
It go out, and meet the rabbit. It said to the rabbit :“Rabbit, rabbit, let me play with you.” “No, no, no. You are so fat and black. I don’t like you. You will flattening me. ”The rabbit said. Then it run to the park.
And the pig meet the dog. It said :“Dog, dog, can you play with me?” “No, no, no. The elephant has 1000 kg , but you have 2000 kg . I don”t want to play with you. Bye!”
It is very unhappy, and it said:“Oh, my god!”
It want to thin some. It run 1000 m erery day; don’t eat so many foods; and play football
erery day. But it can not hold on. So, on next mouth, it has 2050 kg !
And it said:“whyyyyyyyyyy?”

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