分類:五年級作文 字數:400字 編輯:pp958
Today I so happy! Next week is yao? "the princess”s birthday, Moore”s manor began a series of preparation, we these small Moore, to prepare gifts to yao?" the princess, not only should prepare gifts, training manners, otherwise not to dance, I was! Don”t know that? Some of what party princess, ah! There must be lots of presents, envelope, blessing, and food, how nice! Can I have a joy, and finish the task, to Moore, small square and granular restaurant clothes got diploma, gift already prepared, don”t know? Princess will like my present? Yao? "the princess must be happy dead, then will dress nicely, I will prepare some dress, next week, completed the final task can obtain the dress, this week I have got hat and shoes, clothing! Let me see box, there is few, clothes, and there are many ah! Very beautiful, I am happy to dress up, ah! Beautiful, then I must be at the party and yao? "the princess, see who is the most beautiful, if a chateau Moore is good beauty pageant, ha! I”m going to go home dressed up, meet the day of arrival. You ready? I”m going to Neil tower and Moore restaurant to earn more work to dress up! I have several Banks now, because the interest rate fall, saved enough 100,000 interest is very small, I so smart, the ten million into two copy not line. Ha ha! I really smart.
Yao? "the princess”s birthday, I expect!
么么公主(英語) 作文推薦:

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