分類:高三作文 字數:900字 編輯:小景
抗震救災(英語) 標籤:抗震救災作文 抗震救災英雄少年作文 抗震救災眾志成城作文 眾志成城抗震救災作文
In the May 12, 2008, in the Chuan Wenchuan, since 1949 than have taken place in Tangshan earthquake also serious natural disasters - 7.8 earthquake. So far, since the advent of the disaster, the death toll reached 28,000 people, injured 190,000 people, this figure could not imagine, the site slowly climbing the figures, it is Jiuxin, is sad.
The earthquake, heavy casualties, countless people lost their lives. Some of the children, lost their parents and some parents lost their sons and daughters, who Shanranleixia after the earthquake, those who have lost the most beloved of the people, mind infinite grief »
After the disaster, our beloved Premier Wen Jiabao personally to the hardest hit earthquake relief command, to visit people in disaster areas, a sentence of concern words, the warm comfort of a sentence, so immersed in grief of people get a glimmer of consolation; our beloved The President Hu Jintao immediately deployed to save lives as soon as possible, arrangements for victims of life. Clearly, our national leaders for this earthquake very seriously.
It is not only national leaders concerned about the disaster, the people of the whole country into the earthquake relief in the struggle, all provinces have organized a rescue team to disaster area transport relief supplies. To donate their children a Yasui Qian, even those of persons with disabilities also donate their own living expenses. China Life Insurance, Bank of China, triple in the Division……, and other enterprises have also donated money. We have also contributions to the school teachers and students, people across the country have donated money to more than 600,000 yuan.
1 letters from all over the country sent a letter, a sum of money in total are integrated into each individual”s love. Every person and every all in all a sum of money into each of the casualties caused by the earthquake of concern. 100 yuan, 50 yuan, 200 yuan, 400 yuan…… everyone around the country have sacrificed their own in a loving, have sacrificed their own compatriots love. Each warming can love a person”s soul.
In those far the hardest hit of my friends, please do not worry, every one of us will pray for you, you pray safe and healthy through this disaster.
This time of the earthquake in China has lost hundreds of millions of good, but it can not explain what «to prove that China is strong to win the Chinese people”s unity, the spirit of Xinlian Xin, who is now bogged down in the end to the relatives, not sad, not to give up, Refueling, to overcome all!
This disaster is natural to us a test, we must be firm, to tide over their difficulties!

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