分類:初二作文 字數:700字 編輯:pp958
ibelieveinmymusic.! 標籤:believe作文 inmyhouse作文 music作文 forever作文
April 2005 [09 Apr 2005|12:07pm]
"It”s been some time since I left the last message to my fans and music lovers out there. My apologies, I have been busy with many things, especially my new album promotions.
I have received many letters from you regarding my new album, and I am truly grateful for your honesty and encouragement. I am also very excited to have met so many of you during my first week of promotional tour, particularly in the few autograph sessions we had together. Those were great times I will cherish, seeing so many of you still supporting my music ever since my 1st album.
I have grown up much during these 2 years of being in the music industry. My music has grown with me, together with some of my thoughts and style. And I believe there will be many who may find this change somewhat hard getting used to. There will also be some of you who will be able to move on with my musical progression and rhythm. To these people, I applaud you.
My 3rd album No. 89757 isn”t as straight forward as before. This is an album u can grow to love, or u can hate immediately. No.89757 is about my life, my stories, and also my views on the world we live in today. Every song in the album is a ray of light that illuminates a part of me, bit by bit. Including me when I am down, sad, or joyful. Good music isn”t always that real, but music that”s real and close to the heart, in my perspective, is always good music.
So my suggestion is for everyone to start listening in-depth, and try to figure out why I chose certain elements my music this time round. There will be images of others u find familiar, that”s only because it was intended to be, which will also tie in with a message within the song that I want to portray.
Music to me is an enjoyment, never something to compare with. It can never get better or worse, just more different or the same. What matters most, is the attitude. And my attitude has never changed since the start of my career. Whatever I do, I make sure it is my best.
I believe in my music.
Thank you for believing in me.
J.J. "
ibelieveinmymusic.! 作文推薦:

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- ·neverstay,neverw900字
- ·iloveinmyhouse100字
- ·believeinyoursel300字
- ·初一英語作文:believein200字
- ·beliveyouself200字
- ·thanksverymuch100字
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- ·seventeenmay.100字
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