分類:初二作文 字數:1100字 編輯:pp958
alwayshappy,well-being 標籤:shopping作文 myself作文 happy作文 ahappyday作文
Acquaintance between us is the memory of a beautiful paragraph, miss you, sad eyes. I can only pray for you in silence - I wish you happiness.
I look up to the sky clarity, sprinkling sunshine on my face, and fever. This is the summer. At this point, I thought of you, namely three years, I have not also forget that you, not only out of your character, as well as your face. Known, it is our fate. I do not know, we will, respectively.
I, I left you. Year, I transferred, and I am afraid I could not say goodbye to you. Please forgive me for saying goodbye. I do not know what it”s like the well-being, met you, I know that my greatest happiness in life. Without you, I am distressed, it is painful. It occupied my whole mind.
Used to be happy is happy. We play together, when he was all right to speak. Your eyes, I will never leave your memory. I know you will not forget me. Never, I believe you, I will never believe you.
When the dead of night, I think of you almost every day, then they should not, and eyes will be tears. The complexity of the heart with me to sleep. I can not forget you said to me, every word, seal it deep in my heart, in my mind … …
We have known each other for
Is only the beginning of plain
Which started
Soon turned into a full stop
No, not a full stop
Believe that we can see you again
I feel
Faster on the faster
Just to see you
So when the wind
Of my grief and pain
Mind tell me
To see you again as long as
I wish you happiness, happiness
alwayshappy,well-being 作文推薦:
- ·alwayshappy,well1100字
- ·alwayshappy600字
- ·90后whatshallwedo1200字
- ·初中英語作文--whatshal100字
- ·whereshallwegoon200字
- ·今(jīn)天(tiān)是(s469字
- ·how to learn eng350字
- ·how to learn eng400字
- ·how to learn eng250字
- ·how to learn eng250字
- ·how to learn eng100字
- ·how to learn eng250字
- ·angelsarealwayst1202字
- ·angelwillgosehom2000字
- ·happyhappyland.200字
- ·myhappysummerhol100字
- ·“all is well!”——600字
- ·poeticallymandwe100字
- ·dad,iwillalwaysl200字
- ·豌豆公主和騎士的happpyen400字
- ·豌豆公主和騎士的happpyen600字
- ·we are always to1600字
- ·ifiwereasmallwit100字
- ·ahappyweekeng100字
- ·hello goodbye an900字
- ·stopppllutingthe300字
- ·i always feel450字
- ·happy english250字
- ·happy!(english)500字
- ·litter duck sell350字
- ·ahappything200字
- ·a happy day150字
- ·takingcareofourh300字
- ·myideal”shome100字
- ·whatwillhappenin100字
- ·whatshouldwedofo200字
- ·whatagreatcat!100字
- ·what`sthematterw100字
- ·what should i do200字
- ·what a student n200字
- ·路上有你們,真好900字
- ·雖然久遠,卻未曾遺忘2000字
- ·雖然的但是150字
- ·雖然,但是1100字
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