how to learn english well?_250字
分類:高三作文 字數:250字 編輯:pp958
how to learn english well? 標籤:english作文 shopping作文 hello作文 flowers作文
Once being in the village of world, we would often communicate others with English. Here are some suggestions about how to leare English well.
As we aren't in the environment of English, listening and reading are more important for us to understand it. For example , making friends with foreigners is an effective way to improve the level of English. Accompaning with it, we receive friendship and feel happy. As for me, I have obtained many skills from translation between English and Chinese.
So this is also a useful method.
With the advices above, I sincerely hope everybody's English ability will hit on a new altitude.
how to learn english well? 作文推薦:

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