分類:初二作文 字數:400字 編輯:小景
totalitarianism. 標籤:smile作文 thisisme作文 robot作文 mymother作文
The general will is an underlying principle that expresses what is best for the community. For Rousseau, the general will by definition is always right and always works to the community’s advantage. Obedience to the general will transforms an individual motivated by self-interest, appetites and passions into a higher type of person- a citizen committed to the general good. Whoever refuses to obey the general will shall be compelled to do so by the whole body. The general will isn’t always exactly what everyone wanted, but evened out by the whole idea.
Rousseau said that human nature, which was originally good, had been corrupted by society. “Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains.” How can humanity be made moral and free again? He suggested reforming the political system. He argued that in the existing civil society the rich and powerful that controlled the state oppressed the majority. And that makes him a champion of democracy.
But on the other hand, he granted the sovereigns virtually unlimited authority over the citizenry. Meaning more consideration as whole rather than just individuals, some critics view him as a spiritual precursor of totalitarianism.
totalitarianism. 作文推薦:

- ·今(jīn)天(tiān)是(s469字
- ·捉迷(mí)藏(cáng)349字
- ·海洋ɡuǎn500字
- ·smile a smile200字
- ·lovesmenot200字
- ·thisismyfamilyph100字
- ·doesmothersad?(媽600字
- ·thisismygrandmot100字
- ·makeacupofsmooth100字
- ·totalitarianism.400字
- ·今天過節喜"羊羊&qu600字
- ·"五一"勞動400字
- ·"媽媽的愛"700字
- ·雨的故事三"你永遠不夠1000字
- ·"丑公主'與&500字
- ·海底撈"一游"700字
- ·小墊"軍訓"900字
- ·gotothezoo200字
- ·gotothezoo700字
- ·杭州之旅二:gotothezoo1900字
- ·狐狸的"真理"500字
- ·家裡的小明星---"龜800字
- ·"功夫之家"500字
- ·拔牙之"癢"500字
- ·“老鷹”捉"小雞&qu250字
- ·gotothepark.100字
- ·not shooting for250字
- ·我好想你們那—myciassma250字
- ·sm的聖誕之旅800字
- ·damingtoday,ismy300字
- ·隨語500字
- ·thesun,themoon200字
- ·男生800字
- ·精神造就的民族1500字
- ·世界50字
- ·我的家鄉700字
- ·綿綿不絕的夏1300字
- ·寬容600字
- ·愁韻(之三)100字
- ·icecream300字
- ·滑一跤不是爬不起來800字
- ·簋街的夜晚400字
- ·我的夢,國的夢700字
- ·人生200字
- ·糖700字
- ·我的夏天作文 和我們一樣享受春天作文
- ·聽我說作文 一個承諾作文
- ·家鄉的蘋果作文 弱肉強食作文
- ·尋愛作文 男孩女孩作文
- ·走吧作文 美麗的大森林作文
- ·一份禮物作文
- ·那年冬天飄過的雪作文
- ·游黃龍溪作文
- ·青島之旅作文
- ·五一作文300字
- ·趣談作文
- ·文化廣場作文 永不放棄作文500字
- ·路程作文500字 護蛋作文600字
- ·西遊作文500字 二十年後回故鄉作文800字
- ·老師的目光作文600字 留在心裡的印象作文
- ·寓言作文450字 三步曲作文900字
- ·雜誌作文