sale phone_300字
分類:初二作文 字數:300字 編輯:小景
Hi , everybody! After hearing the news it occured to me that i have a oppo phone, which was given to me as a gift on my 18th birthday by my parents. It has helped me a lot with my life and study. Whenever i missed my parents and my friends, i will called to them.
Now it provided convenite for me to get closer to my family and friends. Yestday i got a new phone, which was send by my boyfriend as a gift. Thus, i want to sell this out.
In my opinion, there are many benefits from it . You can use it as a dictionary. When you meet strange words , in which you can the word and its example sentence.
Meanwhile, if you are crazy about music this is a wonderful choice. Furthermore, you can use it to down-load a lot from the internet. Last but not least, if you have something do not understand you can also use baidu to search .
So if you want buy it , i will give you a discount. Please leave the message here , i will get in touch wirh you. Thank a lot!
sale phone 作文推薦:

- ·當下雪那天我依然等着你middl700字
- ·醉夢庭·a sled 在鈴鐺150字
- ·abigapple100字
- ·parents”rules100字
- ·english letter200字
- ·a letter350字
- ·life knowledge150字
- ·寫給自己的peerless;21000字
- ·失去羽毛的angle2200字
- ·letthedreamflyaw100字
- ·lovecanchangeour300字
- ·smile(微笑)500字
- ·alette100字
- ·初二英語作文:learnengl200字
- ·let’s get a chri1600字
- ·永遠的51mole.com800字
- ·anunforgetablest200字
- ·小學英語日記:learn how50字
- ·hopeyou’llenjoys200字
- ·boysandgirls,let1400字
- ·thepopulationpro200字
- ·letgolove800字
- ·tolerant800字
- ·初三英語作文:whyarebic400字
- ·初二英語作文:aletterto700字
- ·schindler”slist1200字
- ·初中生活style600字
- ·i”mgonnaleavingn500字
- ·how to learn eng250字
- ·letter150字
- ·思300字
- ·丟傘300字
- ·創世論400字
- ·泡與沫1300字
- ·日記500字
- ·緣1100字
- ·念~心100字
- ·紅燈生命600字
- ·給汶川的一封信100字
- ·希望·力量1300字
- ·成長600字
- ·揚城的月1100字
- ·句句悟700字
- ·我的同桌862字
- ·收穫成長的美麗800字
- ·武侯祠作文 煙囪作文
- ·築夢作文 記一次精彩的辯論會作文
- ·絕招作文 陽關作文
- ·二月蘭作文 學會感恩父母作文
- ·生寶寶作文 我愛你,冬天作文
- ·仙劍奇俠作文
- ·我想握住你的手作文
- ·我的減肥計劃作文
- ·假幣作文
- ·暖和作文
- ·風雨中作文500字
- ·回老家作文800字 校園生活作文500字
- ·不一般作文300字 未來世界作文800字
- ·我感動的事作文450字 一隻狗作文300字
- ·堅持就是勝利作文500字 看猴作文250字
- ·我真想對媽媽說作文 最美孝心少年作文500字
- ·路人作文200字