my relaxing vacation_300字
分類:初二作文 字數:300字 編輯:小景
my relaxing vacation 標籤:traveling作文 angel的愛情作文 myself作文 myparents作文
I had a relaxing vacation. I thought about going to Shang Hai because it’s famous for EXPO, but I decided on WenZhou with my cousins. Because it isn’t far from there, we aren’t spend too much money. And I want to do something different . I heard Wen Zhou is a good place to have fun .
There’s weather is a beautiful sunny day and also warm. We went there by car. It took around two hours. We staied there only one day, we don’t like going away for too long. We went fishing in the morning, and I went sightseeing and saw animals with my cousins in the afternoom in the Wen Zhou Zoo. After dinner we took walks at the park... Oh,yeah! We also went shopping in the evening in the WuMa street and so on. We did many things. It was wonderful!
The other days, I staied at home and did my homework,studied some subjects, I also listened to some songs, read some great books or some English stories. I did my favorite things, too.
Oh! A good vacation. I hope the next time are still so relaxed.
my relaxing vacation 作文推薦:
- ·myfamily200字
- ·myfriend100字
- ·mynameischenyayu100字
- ·mydaysoftheweek100字
- ·aboutmyfriend”sh100字
- ·mygoodfriend100字
- ·my favorite fest250字
- ·mydog100字
- ·what i want 200字
- ·mymum100字
- ·my new house100字
- ·myfavouiteteache100字
- ·myschool400字
- ·myfavouritesport200字
- ·myfourteenthbirt200字
- ·myenglishstudyin800字
- ·myself100字
- ·myskateboard100字
- ·mychildhood200字
- ·my mother150字
- ·my favordited da250字
- ·myfamily700字
- ·my favorite book150字
- ·my greatful home100字
- ·myfavoriteseason500字
- ·我的媽媽-mymother300字
- ·my little dog150字
- ·mybestfriend100字
- ·my birthday50字
- ·myteacher100字
- ·秋天有感500字
- ·我400字
- ·范進中舉後傳600字
- ·溫暖500字
- ·勞技感想600字
- ·canyoufeelme800字
- ·我與遊戲400字
- ·續寫《喂—出來》700字
- ·把心交給藍天1000字
- ·巫山一段雲100字
- ·祝福100字
- ·花的日記600字
- ·寬容,讓我們更快樂700字
- ·回憶800字
- ·遺忘500字
- ·道士作文 努力吧作文
- ·想念你作文 三八婦女節快樂作文
- ·同在藍天下作文 英語考試作文
- ·讀懂母愛作文 我不再是小孩子作文
- ·迎新年作文 青鳥作文
- ·我最喜愛的玩具作文
- ·家鄉的雨作文
- ·我為你自豪作文800字
- ·歲末作文
- ·美麗的荷花作文
- ·聰明反被聰明誤作文
- ·飛翔的翅膀作文 馬蘭作文600字
- ·我最敬佩的一個人作文200字 讀書生活作文800字
- ·我在作文400字 足球作文500字
- ·愛無言作文 殘奧會作文
- ·綠葉作文400字 趣事作文500字
- ·給災區小朋友的一封作文900字