分類:四年級作文 字數:200字 編輯:得得9
aniceevening 標籤:forever作文 believe作文 traveling作文 introduce作文
It is a nice evening. There is a curve moon in the sky. Those shining stars hang in the sky. They are winking and seem to be saying some things.
The girl is doing her homework. So she is very tired. After a while, she says :“Oh, I have already finished my homework. l can go to bed now!” She goes into the bathroom and does some washing. And then she goes to bed. She is sleeping well. A nice sweet dream falls on her. Her pet Mimi also has a dream with her.
They dream about visiting the space. The spaceship takes them to the moon……
How wonderful the night and the dream are!
aniceevening 作文推薦:
aniceevening 暫無評論相關作文
- ·今(jīn)天(tiān)是(s469字
- ·aniceevening200字
- ·eveydayeveynight700字
- ·neversayforever,1400字
- ·neversummernever2200字
- ·neverstay,neverw900字
- ·everything about250字
- ·whymustwesaveeve300字
- ·lovecanchangeour300字
- ·loveiseverything200字
- ·speech----ilovee900字
- ·nothingeverchang1000字
- ·捉迷(mí)藏(cáng)349字
- ·論毅力(on persevera573字
- ·onceisbetterthan600字
- ·初三英語作文:doweneeds300字
- ·howtomakeeverybo100字
- ·一年級英語作文:howtomak100字
- ·timeneverstopits200字
- ·seventeenmay.100字
- ·seventeenmay.(上)3000字
- ·keepingwatersour200字
- ·the importance o100字
- ·此女子拿mīńɡ等待1600字
- ·.thē.ēnd.500字
- ·.thē.ēnd500字
- ·lovesyou,neverre800字
- ·じ☆veve我的二月叄十?boy4200字
- ·じ☆veve我的二月叄十?boy1700字
- ·foreverdetective900字
- ·撐竹筏800字
- ·冰電之戰600字
- ·看電視250字
- ·讀《凡高》有感600字
- ·買麵包200字
- ·不可饒恕的罪行800字
- ·同學200字
- ·我與口風琴500字
- ·奇怪200字
- ·後悔300字
- ·嘗嘗獨臂的滋味700字
- ·校園之晨300字
- ·冬天300字
- ·心已被撕碎,印下的只是悲傷1600字
- ·唯、殤300字
- ·不尋常的春天裡作文 紅鞋作文
- ·春江花月夜作文 犯錯作文
- ·我忘了作文 樂於助人的她作文
- ·中國風作文 月亮作文
- ·心飛翔作文 愚人節作文
- ·向陽作文
- ·游海洋公園作文
- ·談誠信作文
- ·嫩綠作文
- ·奧運會開幕作文
- ·令我難忘的一件事作文
- ·三峽作文450字 奇遇記作文300字
- ·忙碌作文500字 感動我作文800字
- ·瞬間作文600字 決賽作文
- ·三亞作文900字 尋夢作文
- ·近視作文100字 黃果樹作文700字
- ·粥作文800字