分類:初一作文 字數:200字 編輯:小景
meandmycountry 標籤:meandmy作文 mycat作文 introduce作文 foryou作文
In a secondary school,there is a girl.She had black hair,black eyes and yellow skin.She is a chinese.
She love her country as in her country she had her family.She love her country as she had a lot of friends,and lots of people which is kind.She loves her country as she thought her country is the best,she wants to repay her country as her country gives her so much,she wants to work for her country when she grows into an adult,she had a pocket of dreams.
She wants to be a teacher because she wants to spread her knowledge to her students ,to teach her country with all of the teachers .She wants to be a doctor bacause she wants to treat the ill,to work with all of the doctors and fight the disease.She wants to be a judge as she wants to bring happy and peace to her country.
She is such a little girl who loves her country,and that little girl is me.
meandmycountry 作文推薦:
- ·meandmycountry200字
- ·iamproudofmycoun700字
- ·a modern travel 200字
- ·eightcountrythea200字
- ·高一英語作文:the count900字
- ·living in a city100字
- ·whyyoudon`tunder1000字
- ·a letter to my a150字
- ·grandmotherandgr600字
- ·letmeknowthatyou700字
- ·meandmycity500字
- ·elementary schoo600字
- ·a recount of a t300字
- ·welcome to my co250字
- ·don”tcountyourch300字
- ·andolympiccounte100字
- ·young student sh350字
- ·meandmyfriend200字
- ·try try 我的未來900字
- ·chinese elements200字
- ·diaryentry.2800字
- ·初二英語作文:mychemist200字
- ·doyouneedmyhelp?600字
- ·how should paren250字
- ·軌跡疏離—contraildis600字
- ·how important ex100字
- ·youngvolunteers400字
- ·commentary:popol1300字
- ·童年的記憶-amemoryofm700字
- ·初二英語作文:memoryofm200字
- ·meandmy300字
- ·雪孩子奮勇拯救“愚蠢國”【三】1200字
- ·小兔子采蘑菇900字
- ·小狗采蘑菇300字
- ·你真的值得我來愛嗎?200字
- ·爸媽,能給我一點溫柔的愛嗎?1700字
- ·那天,我學會了擔當600字
- ·復興之責勇擔當700字
- ·科學保護生態800字
- ·團結互助在心中1100字
- ·團結互助1200字
- ·女生日記感300字
- ·女生日記讀後感500字
- ·中華上下五千年1400字
- ·淘不盡的追憶——讀《中華上下五千1400字
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- ·做到作文 觀國慶閱兵式作文
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- ·偉大的力量作文 搗蛋記作文
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- ·面臨作文
- ·北京的春天作文
- ·可愛的鴿子作文
- ·觀菊花展作文
- ·我是一本書作文
- ·life作文600字 小貓咪作文450字
- ·alette作文100字 愛科學作文
- ·煙雨作文900字 愛我祖國作文
- ·我常常想作文500字 山東人作文
- ·天明作文300字 小魚作文350字
- ·年俗作文