分類:初一作文 字數:100字 編輯:得得9
homeworkdiscussed 標籤:inmyhouse作文 myhouse作文 home作文 hometown作文
The others think too much homework is bad,they against homework.The teachers should teach the students how to learn and understand.Students are very tired a day at school and they need time to play.If teachers give students too homework,They can”t have a good rest.Homework can take lots of time.Some children may ake a fuss about doing their homework without playing.
homeworkdiscussed 作文推薦:
homeworkdiscussed 暫無評論相關作文
- ·homeworkdiscusse100字
- ·interested homew250字
- ·we should do hou100字
- ·what i‘ve learnt200字
- ·how important ex100字
- ·a discuss on med250字
- ·a course impress200字
- ·初二英語作文:dohousewo200字
- ·dohousework100字
- ·do housework100字
- ·nohomeworktoday300字
- ·dohomework100字
- ·五年級英語作文:homework200字
- ·my opinion on 300字
- ·seminardiscussio1700字
- ·saysomewordstoso100字
- ·a discussion abo200字
- ·imissmyhome,imis500字
- ·comments on gree300字
- ·house work300字
- ·work in a team o300字
- ·welcometomyhome100字
- ·iforgettowritemy100字
- ·a laid-off woman100字
- ·elementary schoo600字
- ·amouseinmyhouse100字
- ·difficultcircums900字
- ·stayathomeawhole300字
- ·myhometome100字
- ·myviewonschoolun200字
- ·go to mary”s hom150字
- ·whatshouldwedoto400字
- ·whatis堅強700字
- ·whatcanidoforstu100字
- ·whatcanido?400字
- ·whatabeautifulgi700字
- ·what`sdonecannot100字
- ·路上有你1200字
- ·雖然無奈,但我成長着500字
- ·雖然......但是......100字
- ·雖然,雖然300字
- ·絕不讓歷史重演800字
- ·有趣的智力題 胡世中450字
- ·一場智力比賽1000字
- ·開發智力還是引入歧途1500字
- ·可憐的孩子作文 春天的風景作文
- ·歌唱作文 缺失作文
- ·天使公主作文 解答作文
- ·森林之旅作文 藝術生活作文
- ·破案記作文 我死了作文
- ·老師的眼睛作文
- ·一個藍顏色的故事作文
- ·法在我心中作文
- ·《草房子》讀後感500字
- ·建設幸福中國讀後感
- ·多味作文
- ·美在常熟作文 那一張作文
- ·機器人時代作文 埋葬作文500字
- ·看《假文盲》作文 文明人作文500字
- ·就是作文400字 考後作文
- ·快樂暑假作文400字 面具作文1000字
- ·與春天同行作文