分類:初一作文 字數:400字 編輯:得得9
I haven”t slept at all in days
It”s been so long since we”ve talked
And I have been here many times
I just don”t know what I”m doing wrong
What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there
There”s only so much I can take
And I just got to let go
And who knows I might feel better, yeah
If I don”t try and I don”t hope
What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there
No more waiting, no more, aching
No more fighting, no more, trying…
Maybe there”s nothing more to say
And in a funny way I”m calm
Because the power is not mine
I”m just going to let it fly…
What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there
What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there
And love me…love me…。love me..
Fade Out
whatcanido? 作文推薦:

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