分類:初一作文 字數:500字 編輯:小景
Heart of the Olympic Games
In the golden year 2008, this glorious country, When China - Beijing, was hosting the 2008 Olympic Games, envisions people are immersed in the joy of success all, the Chinese people in the proud, We want to make foreign friends to see how powerful China. Early in the morning, when the sun FIRST fired at the earth, I Froufrou unclear sleepy eyes, I heard came downstairs really pleasant to hear music, I went downstairs, saw an elderly yank dance teams in the women”s figure of the beautiful the music Chou Zhao waist, a face full of all, Gongguangmanmian. They also want to keep fit and healthy, to make contributions to the Olympic Games, even if only a little bit.
Afternoon, safe streets, bridges crossing the street, take the initiative to remove small are everywhere advertising the Olympic youth volunteers, they tired of sweating all over, but they just want to use their own sweat and hard to prove: they want to make contributions to the Olympic Games, even if only a little bit.
I can not help but would like to plant a tree, and it quickly grew up, a blue sky Beijing, Beijing fresh air.
In all parts of the country and countless children cheered jump, the Olympic Games and is no longer a distant dream of a singular color
I am looking forward to the early arrival of the Olympic Games; I am looking forward to Beijing 2008 Olympic Games than any previous session opened more solemn and more successful. I look forward to the Chinese people and peoples of the world together in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, side by side, hand in hand, affiliated to create brilliant!

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