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   Harry Potter is my favorite movie. Last week, my friends and I went to see the movie. It’s a movie about Harry and his wonderful experiences. Harry is young , but he is very brave. He can fight with Lord Voldemort (伏地魔). I am proud of his braver. He is one of  the most fantastic persons.    Harry Potter has two good friends ,they are Ron Weasley (羅恩韋斯萊) and  Hermione Granger (赫敏格蘭傑). They are close friends. Harry has no parents , his parents were killed by Lord Voldemort. His parents were very great. They have been dead to protect young Harry. He lives in his aunt’s home, they are not friendly to Harry .  The Weasleys like Harry very much. They often invent Harry to their home to spend his holidays.     I like Harry Potter very much because I yeam magic, it”s so brilliant.       (好象語法有挺多錯誤的~望大家指出,其實這篇文章早就想寫的,只是一直有些話不會用英語表達,遲遲沒有寫.記得好象是橋橋給我提的建議,讓我寫哈利的哈~呵呵~謝謝橋及一些其他的朋友,不一一指出了^-^) 


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