book report of sherlock holmes_400字
分類:初一作文 字數:400字 編輯:pp958
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I think Mr. Turner is worse. Although he liked to try new things, he shouldn't do any bad thing. He didn't think of the consequences. He though earning money was the most important goal for him.
Originally, Mr. McCarthy had a stable income, but Mr. Turner destroyed it. It made McCarthy lose his shoes, and his coat etc. Turner could not blame anyone as all the crimes were committed by him. If Turner had not been greedy, Mr. McCarthy would not have needed Turner to give him anything.
Nowadays, the technology is very modern and it makes big changes to our lives. In the past, there were no DNA, mobile phones or computers. Sherlock Holmes needed to go to the scene to investigate the incident. He also had to determine who the criminal was. After ensuring the characteristics of the criminal, detectives needed to find out where the criminal was. Without computers, the detectives spent a long time to search for a possible location. The modern detectives can depend on computers to search for information. Besides, the detectives will work as team.
Regarding these two types of detectives, I prefer Sherlock Holmes more. It is because he investigated the case by his smart brain, instead of relying on the Internet. It is also very important for the detectives nowadays to have such skills too.
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