分類:初三作文 字數:500字 編輯:小景
bookreportondavidcopper 標籤:hope作文 shopping作文 penfriend作文 computer作文
The secret of happiness.——Book report on <David Copperfield>
Charles Dickens is fond of composing stories of ordinary tragic working-class people, often with a little metaphor of his own life. Well, David Copperfield is no exception. He lived a hard life under the torture of his step-father and step-aunt, then experienced the true society in that period of time by being forced into child-labor. After experiencing all the harsh treatments which were too much for a child his age to take, he slowly grows up in humiliation and shame. However, this did not tear him apart, but encouraged him in some way. He felt a stronger desire of a happier life, and will not stop pursuing it.
He ran off to live with his Betsey, got some proper education and was soon dragged into a far more complex situation. A tragedy unfolded before his eyes as his friend Steerforth seduced Emily (the daughter of David”s house keeper) and later abandoned her elsewhere. Things eventually settled and he went back to his normal life. His first wife (the one he did not feel strongly of), died in a miscarriage. Later on he got married with Agnes (formerly his confidante). They lived happily ever after and the story ends right here.
Dickens is kind enough to give most of his characters happy endings, fairly enough for what they deserve. I do believe David deserved it, for he always had an optimistic spirit in him. At last, i”d assume, though Dickens chose to write about darks sides in the British society, what amuses the readers is that he never kills off all hope. There is always some light coming through the dark box of mysteries, and you just have to open it, even with the knowledge that there might be something very very heart-breaking inside.
bookreportondavidcopper 作文推薦:

- ·bookreportondavi500字
- ·what will happen300字
- ·book report of s400字
- ·book report350字
- ·cookiscooking.1000字
- ·whether grandpar200字
- ·booksandiaregood500字
- ·the importance o300字
- ·certain types of500字
- ·greenpeppers200字
- ·agoodbookisagood200字
- ·report about mot200字
- ·how should paren250字
- ·opportunityandsu300字
- ·機遇和成功-opportunit200字
- ·初二英語作文:opportuni200字
- ·different people250字
- ·goodbookcompanio200字
- ·comforting a hea200字
- ·internetandcompu300字
- ·五年級英語作文:agoodboo100字
- ·the importance o100字
- ·zhangyang who a 200字
- ·everything about250字
- ·commentary:popol1300字
- ·istextbookshould200字
- ·colourless kalei1900字
- ·my opinion on 300字
- ·其實我也喜歡看comicbook600字
- ·anybodycancook600字
- ·特別的生日1100字
- ·握緊幸福1500字
- ·握緊你的手600字
- ·哀嘆唐玄宗1200字
- ·哀嘆500字
- ·天堂那個地方700字
- ·讓心靈先到達那個地方1100字
- ·窗外的那個地方300字
- ·天使的眼淚350字
- ·天使的眼淚1100字
- ·天使的眼淚1000字
- ·流星是天使的眼淚1700字
- ·巫婆‘算命’記1100字
- ·算命600字
- ·難忘的錯事800字
- ·我的生命作文 書屋作文
- ·放爆竹作文 我終於見到大海了作文
- ·天使在哭作文 竹子作文
- ·糖果作文 風飄作文
- ·步伐作文 鄉村景色作文
- ·瀘州作文
- ·壯族作文
- ·文明小衛士作文
- ·桃源洞作文
- ·快樂的節日作文500字
- ·愛的回憶作文
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- ·天國作文700字 麻辣小冤家作文
- ·春天還會遠嗎作文700字 長處作文
- ·讀《笑貓日記》有感350字 魯賓遜作文1000字
- ·我愛家鄉作文300字 我愛冬作文
- ·小豆作文200字