honesty is enssential to us_350字
分類:高二作文 字數:350字 編輯:小景
honesty is enssential to us 標籤:honest作文 happiness作文 inmyhouse作文 myhouse作文
Monday may 18
This afternoon i went to school by bus. As i was listening to my favorite music with a headphone on in my ears, i did not notice a car parked on the road side. I scratched the car and left a scar on it . I felt afraid , when i turned around there was nobody looked at me. In my heart, some voice told me run away in hurry , and the other voice told that you are a upright , honest , and frank student , not a liar . They are struggling. At last i made a decision i left a note with my name , address , and telephonenumber to let the car of the own easily find me correctly, and let him know what happend to his car. Then i went to school.
Later we have a meeting i heard my headmaster calling my name , next i saw a stranger came into our classroom along with many students and teachers. Our headmaster explained to the whole school that thing and praised me. All of the students and teachers gave a warm apluse. They all pround of my honesty. I think honesty is our traditional virture.
honesty is enssential to us 作文推薦:
- ·honesty is ensse350字
- ·honestyisthebest100字
- ·honesty is thebe500字
- ·traditional chin250字
- ·chinese’sseasons200字
- ·one-day tour of 500字
- ·how do engl250字
- ·a course impress200字
- ·chinesespringfes700字
- ·the responsibili350字
- ·amouseinmyhouse100字
- ·comments on gree300字
- ·collapse of busi400字
- ·business activit500字
- ·the deepest impr200字
- ·高一優秀英語作文:誠實 hone300字
- ·mystrengthsandwe200字
- ·nextstop,happine600字
- ·nextstop,happine500字
- ·nextstop,happine300字
- ·nextstop,happine500字
- ·nextstop,happine500字
- ·nextstop,happine500字
- ·nextstop,happine700字
- ·〖pathosearthline500字
- ·typhoonsafety100字
- ·typhoonsafety100字
- ·lotus,illusioned1500字
- ·seminardiscussio1700字
- ·a new plan for t350字
- ·my dear mother600字
- ·my father600字
- ·美好童年小小傷感500字
- ·鄉村的夜晚200字
- ·你若安好,便是晴天250字
- ·掀起你的劉海來600字
- ·文理科的差距700字
- ·不想離開800字
- ·善與惡何也?800字
- ·讀詩500字
- ·隨感*好看的笑容600字
- ·雨霖鈴100字
- ·望江樓250字
- ·山雨欲來風滿樓450字
- ·岔路口500字
- ·黑山谷作文 如果我有作文
- ·清溪作文 小溪作文
- ·補鞋作文 複習計劃作文
- ·小提琴作文 寫給90後作文
- ·我和表姐作文 兒童樂園作文
- ·獎品作文
- ·夏之戀作文
- ·木屋作文
- ·第一次洗紅領巾作文
- ·我心中的天使作文
- ·秋去冬來作文
- ·秋天裡作文600字 朝花夕拾作文700字
- ·美麗的春姑娘作文 我發現了美作文
- ·課間活動作文400字 想要作文900字
- ·“六一”兒童節作文 晴天作文600字
- ·要堅強作文600字 倒霉的我作文
- ·踏青作文450字