分類:高三作文 字數:400字 編輯:得得9
chestnuts 標籤:thestars作文 students作文 honest作文 christmas作文
Chestnut is a kind of dried fruits, grow in the tall trees. Chestnut is not fully mature, is hiding inside the chestnut fruit ball, ball like each little hedgehog, chestnut hanging in a tree.
This year, we in the day of a clear sky, cool wind blow gently, pick chestnuts and chestnut.
In chestnut orchard, grandpa nimble, quickly give me picked two chestnut ball. One is green, one is still glowing red green; More than a centimeter long sharp thorns, and the hedgehog thorns are same. Grandma threw the chestnut fruit ball on the ground, with sole on the rolling back and forth, ha, ha, ha, fruit ball opens his mouth, lying inside fat chestnuts, is light tan? Grandpa said, fully ripe chestnuts deep maroon, split the tree fruit club himself, chestnut yourself fall out, fell to the ground.
After lunch, the wind, blowing tall chestnut tree branches swayed. My grandfather took me to the tree, and from time to time heard a sound "poof, poof" around; Grandpa said, that is the sound chestnuts fell to the ground, and sure enough, in the grass, stone edge, we have picked up two pockets full of chestnuts.
Tender chestnuts, eat more sweet, the taste of some similar to lotus; Old chestnuts, only a little bit too light sweet, like the taste of raw sweet potatoes. Noon chestnuts, of course, the taste of meat is the most fragrant, pink, grandpa said this but first-of-the-season dishes.
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