giving and teaching_250字
分類:高三作文 字數:250字 編輯:pp958
giving and teaching 標籤:chapter作文 teacher作文 myteacher作文 christmas作文
A famous proverd:"Give a man a fish and you feed for him one day.Teach him how to fish and you feed him a lifetime."Saying is "give a fish to solve his hungry,but can not solution of hunger for a long time,there will always need a fish to eat .If you wish him always has fish to eat .Please teaching him the method of fishing."Having fish to eat is purpose,fishing is means.This sentence.If you want to help others to solve problems.It is better to teach other to solve the problem .Education ,in fact it is the same reason.A good qualifled teachers,not only to give students knowledge,but also teach students self-study.The method of the United Nations educations ,scientific and cultural organization once said:The illiterate in the 21st century will be those who cannot read and write ,but those who cannot self-study and learned knowledge application.
giving and teaching 作文推薦:

- ·i like reading150字
- ·shanghai museum150字
- ·和angela約會400字
- ·how i‘ve changed100字
- ·緣[1]——xingqihui900字
- ·2012——瑪雅預言,地球pen1200字
- ·a wonderful sing250字
- ·challengefate1200字
- ·spring100字
- ·尋春ing700字
- ·myenglishteacher300字
- ·atouchingevent400字
- ·morethananangel1300字
- ·building a good 300字
- ·iloveenglish500字
- ·warspending200字
- ·種花(planting flow300字
- ·給english teacher800字
- ·angel·偽裝1300字
- ·growing up350字
- ·四年級英語作文:bakingac400字
- ·暑假英語作文:during su100字
- ·howtolearnenglis200字
- ·豌豆公主和騎士的happyend500字
- ·morning fog100字
- ·getting more ski400字
- ·doing your best200字
- ·maikingfriends300字
- ·makingfriendsonl200字
- ·myenglishteacher100字
- ·堅守自我700字
- ·夜的退場曲200字
- ·你的魅力,你的心情450字
- ·讀《螞蟻過牆》有感200字
- ·我的古裝夢400字
- ·生活的淋漓盡致400字
- ·一頁春情 一抹詩音400字
- ·用崇高精神指引前進方向700字
- ·客觀事實450字
- ·那些為理想堅持下去的人700字
- ·還自己一片清凈450字
- ·隨感300字
- ·我們的語言350字
- ·為嘗不可350字
- ·彙報400字
- ·我影響最深的人作文 小花作文
- ·血紅作文 泰山觀日出作文
- ·《斑羚飛渡》讀後感作文 蝸牛的秘密作文
- ·一張紙條作文 游西溪濕地作文
- ·自然給我的啟示作文 春天的對聯作文
- ·一匹馬作文
- ·宿新市徐公店作文
- ·熄滅作文
- ·月亮灣作文
- ·刮大風了作文
- ·環境的變化作文
- ·達人作文400字 失憶作文900字
- ·折翼天使作文100字 搶飯作文
- ·美麗的青海湖作文 佳人作文100字
- ·美麗的花作文 年輕作文500字
- ·學習雷鋒好榜樣作文800字 五子棋作文200字
- ·迷人的夏作文500字