分類:高一作文 字數:150字 編輯:得得9
conversation 標籤:computer作文 flowers作文 forever作文 color作文
Jam:Hi,my name is Jam.
Bill:Hi,I”m Bill.
Jam:How are you?
Bill:I am fine,thanks.
Jam:I”m waiting the bus,then I will go to the park,and
Bill:Oh,that”s nice.How about go with me?
Jam:Yes,let”s go.
Bill:What do you like to do in your spare time?
Jam:I like listening to music.How about you?
Bill:I like swimming.
Jam:Are you a student?
Bill:Yes,and you?
Jam:I am a student,too.
Bill:I feel happy to talk with you.
Jam:I feel happy too,you are very nice.
conversation 作文推薦:
conversation 暫無評論相關作文
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