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covered with a bud of love_200字

分類:初二作文  字數:200字  編輯:小景

covered with a bud of love 標籤:love作文 iloveyou作文 loveyou作文 loves作文

  When he no longer love you, my dear, please take a deep breath. The life on the road, covered with a bud of love , there is always a part of you. I am not comfort you. But because a lot of things are already doomed , like Buddha said before lifetime you glancing back five hundred times only for a short acquaintance, but fate is not enough , so can give you only a hundred days of love. Also do not deceive oneself as well as others imagined and hoped that next life you can together , because who knows the life is real , so we have to live a good life, cherish their own side of everything , do not leave any regrets, the Northern Song Dynasty , Fan Zhong Yan know :"life is good." Not to mention that we do?

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