分類:六年級作文 字數:606字 編輯:小景
theuglyduckling(1) 標籤:introduce作文 english作文 mymother作文 thestars作文
(Long long ago,in a farmyard,a Mother Duck sat on her nest.She was waiting for her eggs to become little ducklings.There were six eggs,so she would have six little ducklings to teach to swim.
One sunny spring morning,the first egg began to crack.
"Tap,tap,tap."Went the little duckling inside,trying to get out.Mother Duck watched as the egg cracked open and and out came a fluffy duckling.)
Mother Duck (proudly):"One".
(The nest day,the second egg cracked and out came another fluffy duckling.)
Mother Duck(proudly):"Two."
(On the third day,duckling number therr came out.)
Mother Duck:"That leaves three."
(On the fourth and fifth day,ducklings number four and five hatched.)
Mother Duck:"That leaves one."
(She had to sit on her nest when her ducklings gathered around her.But on the sixth day nothing happened.
on the seventh day)
Mother Duck:"How strange,it should have come out by now."
(One of the farmyard hen walked by.)
theuglyduckling(1) 作文推薦:

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