quick tour of big shanghai_250字
分類:六年級作文 字數:250字 編輯:pp958
quick tour of big shanghai 標籤:favourite作文 ourschool作文 english作文 shopping作文
The vibrant, dynamic and colorful Shanghai is one of the modern cities in China.Shanghai's charming city features, different styles of architecture of the world, for the city into unlimited charm.Today's Shanghai has become a famous international metropolis.Stroll through this changing modern metropolis, you will find many wonderful historical highlights.You are now many magic fairy building, behind the development of Shanghai is the track of change.He told of the rapid development of greater Shanghai since its inception at the end of the 19th century, especially after the founding of new China.
Shanghai is the largest industrial city in China.Shanghai is also a charming tourist city.I also want to go to Shanghai to have a look.
quick tour of big shanghai 作文推薦:
- ·quick tour of bi250字
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- ·今(jīn)天(tiān)是(s469字
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- ·cryonyourshoulde700字
- ·what should we d250字
- ·shouldeveryonekn100字
- ·my favourite col450字
- ·myfavouritecolou100字
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- ·shiliangshou300字
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- ·ourenglishteache100字
- ·howtoimproveyour100字
- ·howtoimproveyour400字
- ·howtoimproveyour200字
- ·六年級英語作文:ourengli100字
- ·young student sh350字
- ·fourseasonsinyan200字
- ·how do you get a100字
- ·今天過節喜"羊羊&qu600字
- ·"五一"勞動400字
- ·"媽媽的愛"700字
- ·雨的故事三"你永遠不夠1000字
- ·"丑公主'與&500字
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- ·小荷里的朋友(5)1000字
- ·前出師表800字
- ·葉500字
- ·母親400字
- ·刻章600字
- ·武林大戰800字
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- ·我們的“總管”——徐老師900字
- ·書800字
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- ·我們與周圍的環境900字
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