分類:六年級作文 字數:300字 編輯:得得9
I am a basketball fan . My favourite sport star is Yaoming . As we all know : Yaoming , aged 25 ,is a famous basketball player . He is tall and strong with short hair .He was born in Shanghai , China .
I am a basketball fan . My favourite sport star is Yaoming .As we all know; Yaoming , aged 25 , is a famous basketball player . He is tall and strong with short hair. He was born in Shanghai , China .
I think he is great because he playing basketball in China and NBA very good . Many people like Yaoming because thay think he is one of the best players in the world !

(轉載) 暫無評論
- ·童年300字
- ·自己的東西600字
- ·我來過,我很乖700字
- ·給柳老師畫肖像600字
- ·花之魁800字
- ·蛋引出來的風波700字
- ·故事400字
- ·我的“極品飛車”700字
- ·雨600字
- ·對範文的依賴450字
- ·書400字
- ·難忘的2008500字
- ·《零下8度》觀后感700字
- ·累800字
- ·風500字
- ·我最敬愛的老師作文 壞處作文
- ·當你孤單你會想起誰作文 滄桑巨變作文
- ·雨人生作文 《如夢令》作文
- ·愉快的合作作文 破案作文
- ·感覺作文 求學作文
- ·難忘的眼睛作文
- ·我的同桌是班長作文
- ·第一次獨自睡覺作文
- ·我們不哭作文
- ·長征作文300字
- ·千樹萬樹梨花開作文
- ·元宵燈會作文 倒霉作文700字
- ·18歲作文700字 洗衣作文600字
- ·一諾千金作文500字 巴黎作文500字
- ·別開生面的運動會作文 知心姐姐的回信作文200字
- ·冬日作文800字 窗外作文600字
- ·宣傳委員作文500字