分類:六年級作文 字數:200字 編輯:小景
howareyou? 標籤:iloveyou作文 loveyou作文 foryou作文 thank you作文
Dear sister,
How are you? Do you konw who I am? I miss you very much. I went to your new house for many times.That was very fun.
Firsely,let`s talk about study. A few days later,I will have an examintion. But Idon`t nervous.Beacuse at the summer I`ll learn swim.I hope this summer will come soon. I have confience. What about you?
Secondly,let`s talk about daily life. Where do you live? I think there is beautiful. Is it true? Qingdao changed a lot. The car can find everywhere. Now it`s dark. And you?
Last weeked, I went to the bookshop. I like reaiding books very much. Such as Cartoon books, literature books. What do you do at last weeked?
The next year, we will be together. We will have a good time at that time!
Write soon.
howareyou? 作文推薦:
- ·howareyou?200字
- ·shouldeveryonekn100字
- ·howtoimproveyour100字
- ·howtoimproveyour400字
- ·howtoimproveyour200字
- ·howareyou500字
- ·how did you spen300字
- ·how do you get a100字
- ·youknowyou’renot400字
- ·are you sure you200字
- ·how should paren250字
- ·四年級英語作文:howtoimp100字
- ·ifiloseyouhowtod400字
- ·ifindyouloveyou—800字
- ·doyouknowhowtofi300字
- ·howtoprotectoure200字
- ·areyouready?500字
- ·whereareyou,mype300字
- ·areyoutired100字
- ·whereareyougoing300字
- ·how are you?543字
- ·how do you think500字
- ·cryonyourshoulde700字
- ·readerswerealsow1400字
- ·初一英語作文:ithoughty200字
- ·whether grandpar200字
- ·don`twannaloseyo1700字
- ·honeyhoney300字
- ·nowit`syourturnt100字
- ·hopeyou’llenjoys200字
- ·蒲柳人家3000字
- ·給陳老師的一封信600字
- ·成長的“苦”與“樂”600字
- ·愉快的頤園果庄之旅300字
- ·童年趣事600字
- ·再見,時光1700字
- ·“廢柴”組員450字
- ·叮鈴鈴…3000字
- ·恩怨600字
- ·『無題』900字
- ·才女小傳1100字
- ·天使的你400字
- ·回憶200字
- ·我是一個野””女孩600字
- ·是缺鋅還是缺心?500字
- ·航母作文 我們家的作文
- ·迷戀作文 拉鏈作文
- ·吃年夜飯作文 有趣的口語交際課作文
- ·感恩老師作文 超越夢想作文
- ·瑞雪兆豐年作文 呼喊作文
- ·我和外公作文
- ·我和紅領巾的故事作文
- ·不聽老人言作文
- ·《醜小鴨》讀後感
- ·學泡茶作文
- ·不要浪費作文
- ·佳節作文 激烈的足球比賽作文500字
- ·滄桑作文100字 看星星作文300字
- ·《青銅葵花》讀後感800字 辛苦作文100字
- ·書包減肥記作文 動力作文500字
- ·木馬作文200字 秋思作文300字
- ·有益作文600字