save earth_250字
分類:四年級作文 字數:250字 編輯:小景
save earth 標籤:birthday作文 聖誕party作文 生日party作文 love作文
This is the earth. the GREen part is land. the blue part is sea. the white part is clouds. Our earth is very beautiful and interesting. there are rivers, streams, seas and lakes. there are hills and mountains. there are woods, jungles and forests. there are many countries and cities. there are many people live in them. Do you think the earth is very wonderful?
Many years ago, the earth is very clean. But nowadays there is much pollution on the earth. there is air pollution, land pollution and water pollution。People are cutting down the forests.
Many wild animals, birds and insects lose their homes. People are killing animals for their food and their skins. It’s very cruel. People are polluting the land, the water and the air. People must stop doing this. We must save the earth.
save earth 作文推薦:

- ·i have a penpal100字
- ·lovehasitall400字
- ·下輩子的約定——foreverf600字
- ·yuki__alone”seve700字
- ·ilovewintertime100字
- ·smallriver100字
- ·loveing——愛的進行時(第300字
- ·nevergiveup!400字
- ·媽媽 i love you700字
- ·i have a harmony150字
- ·ihaveadream100字
- ·thinkitover1400字
- ·雞腿堡,iloveyou700字
- ·……籃球……love(1)700字
- ·i love my woai50字
- ·lovely rabbit250字
- ·tozoeyandourlove900字
- ·eveninghourdivid400字
- ·foreverdetective900字
- ·the collective250字
- ·we have to stick250字
- ·loveyou粉紅色(2)500字
- ·【prose】【giveyou】100字
- ·food additives250字
- ·stay here foreve450字
- ·ourlifeislovely1700字
- ·whylove200字
- ·father love600字
- ·howi”vechanged!100字
- ·英語作文:i love summ250字
- ·光100字
- ·鄉村遊記600字
- ·陽光般的父愛700字
- ·字200字
- ·老師的身影250字
- ·小水黽500字
- ·喂金魚300字
- ·麻袋的遭遇450字
- ·國徽500字
- ·愛惹事的賈博方500字
- ·難忘的“考試”800字
- ·拔茅尖500字
- ·風100字
- ·雲300字
- ·感動300字
- ·特別的作文 那一抹綠色作文
- ·游杭州樂園作文 十年後的世界作文
- ·可憐的小女孩作文 狼王作文
- ·《爸爸和書》作文 蠟筆作文
- ·間諜作文 《賽爾號》作文
- ·知足者常樂作文
- ·馬路上作文
- ·《生命生命》讀後感
- ·全家為我而高興作文
- ·月亮姐姐作文
- ·面向大海作文
- ·假如我是一片葉作文 一張照片的故事作文
- ·我的弟弟作文250字 我和她的故事作文
- ·我希望我的房間作文400字 落花生作文
- ·種子作文400字 笑對失敗作文
- ·照片的故事作文500字 百善孝為先作文
- ·碎玻璃作文800字