分類:五年級作文 字數:450字 編輯:得得9
daughter 標籤:computer作文 chapter作文 water作文 teacher作文
The tears swam down her face.
"HOW COULD YOU RONALD," she screamed, her heart beating out of her chest.
"It was only for the best Julia... She had to go," He replied, his voice barely audible through his whispers.
"She was our DAUGHTER," Julia shouted, she ran straight for him, her dress torn by the passing tree branches. Ronald ran for his life, dodging each twig and jumping each creek. They kept running but Julia never grew tired. Ronald“s legs started to collapse, suddenly he slipped. He lost hold of the branch providing him balance and fell towards the gushing river.
"I“m coming for you Ronald," Julia“s voice can be heard from the distance. He panicked, he couldn“t do anything, his ankles burned against the rushing water. He swam with only his arms, his upper body strength was the only thing he could rely on.
He felt his whole body pull back, he was stuck. His foot caught hold between two boulders, it was wedged shut. The water level grew higher, soon he was enveloped by the river. He couldn“t breathe, he thought to himself. He panicked. Julia“s face hovered above the water“s surface, her face was horrifying. It was all too much, his lungs gave way and slowly his eyelids fell. "This was it," he thought. "Now Julia will never know that our daughter was in fact, safe and alive..."
daughter 作文推薦:
- ·fighter,fighter,900字
- ·daughter450字
- ·初一英語作文:ithoughty200字
- ·togetherthrought500字
- ·my naughty broth250字
- ·thoughtsonreadin500字
- ·caughtshopliftin200字
- ·awalkthroughthew200字
- ·thoughts of the 400字
- ·rational thought400字
- ·thoughts of the 400字
- ·enlightenmentoft100字
- ·the light on the1100字
- ·nightendshere1500字
- ·thekingoffighter2000字
- ·我是ghostknight!(壹800字
- ·write a letter h300字
- ·my english teach800字
- ·cherishthewater1000字
- ·hit the right no350字
- ·thesummernightsk750字
- ·doyouknowhowtofi300字
- ·nightprayer400字
- ·a charming summe600字
- ·last term's stru350字
- ·don”tlaughatme.1500字
- ·although i am li500字
- ·internetandcompu300字
- ·alettertowinterc300字
- ·fromwintertowint400字
- ·失敗的聚會300字
- ·真人不露相200字
- ·人蟑大戰700字
- ·烘熏豆500字
- ·“吾人憂天”900字
- ·高年級的痛苦300字
- ·妹妹250字
- ·幸福100字
- ·幸者得福1100字
- ·虎大王的生日300字
- ·童年100字
- ·友誼,是用心交的!600字
- ·聽歌500字
- ·秋天300字
- ·桐山之秋100字
- ·撐起作文 風雨彩虹作文
- ·掃落葉作文 試一試作文
- ·愛護樹木作文 宣戰作文
- ·生命的選擇作文 刺蝟背西瓜作文
- ·兩個女孩作文 唐詩宋詞作文
- ·青春歲月作文
- ·簡簡單單作文
- ·棒棒糖作文
- ·展望新年作文
- ·未來的環境作文
- ·釣魚記作文500字
- ·暑假的一件事作文300字 呼吸作文100字
- ·上當作文500字 追蹤作文700字
- ·黃鼠狼作文 我的夥伴作文
- ·我懂你的心作文 我最喜歡的一首歌作文800字
- ·告別作文200字 古箏作文
- ·補課作文400字