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the earthworm’s field d_400字

分類:一年級作文  字數:400字  編輯:pp958

the earthworm’s field d 標籤:birthday作文 hello作文 childhood作文 mymother作文

  The earthworms gathered together at the town of earthworms to have a field day.     蚯蚓們聚在了一起,因為一城的蚯蚓要舉行運動日。     What are the earthworms doing on this field day?     這些蚯蚓會在運動日里做什麼呢?     They are skipping a rope. Some of them become ropes for the others.     它們在跳繩,其中有些蚯蚓要給別人當繩子。     They are playing tug of war. I feel sorry for the earthworm which is the rope, now.     它們在拔河。現在,我對當繩子的蚯蚓很同情。     They are rope dancing. Oh, I hope they are playing it safe.     它們在繩子上跳舞。噢,我希望它們能玩得安全一些。     They are doing the limbo. That looks like a lot of fun.     它們在穿越界限。那看起來很有趣。     High jump, too. Who will be the winner?     還有的在跳高。誰會是勝利者呢?     Skipping a rope, tug of war, rope dancing, the limbo, and the high jump!     跳繩、拔河、繩上跳舞、穿越界限和跳高!     Ha! Ha! A field day at the town of earthworms is very exciting.     哈哈!蚯蚓城的運動日非常令人興奮。     西安西一路小學一年級 含芝 翻譯

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