my plan for the summer holiday1_250字
分類:初一作文 字數:250字 編輯:得得9
my plan for the summer holiday1 標籤:summer作文 mymother作文 myfather作文 my father作文
Summer holiday is coming!We should make a plan for our summer holiday so that we can make our summer holiday both enjoyable and rewarding.
In this coming summerholiday, I will pay more attention to my studies because I should prepare for being a Grade Eight student.I“ll be much busier with my studies than before. I will also read English newspapers more often to improve my reading skills.
I will go on a trip to Beijing.
Beijing is the capital of Chian and I“ve never been there before.There are many historical places of interest which can broaden my views on Chinese culture.
I think I will have a happy and wonderful summer holiday this year.I“m quite looking forward to it.
my plan for the summer holiday1 作文推薦:
my plan for the summer holiday1 暫無評論
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