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用英語問路的常用套語 標籤:常用語


  1、It”s only two blocks.只過兩條馬路就到。

  2、Excuse me, where”s the men”s (ladies),please?請問男(女)廁所在什麼地方?

  3、Excuse me, can you tell me where the railway station is?對不起,請問火車站在哪兒?

  4、It”s opposite the post office.在郵局對面。

  5、Excuse me, how can I get to the No. 1 Middle School?請問去一中怎麼走?

  6、Excuse me, can you direct me to the post office?請問到郵局怎麼走?

  7、Excuse me, would you mind telling me the way to the police station?對不起,請告訴我去警察局怎麼走好嗎?

  8、Excuse me, is this the right way to the People”s Park?請問去人民公園走這條路對嗎?

  9、Where does this street lead to?這條街通什麼地方?

  10、It”s near the train station.就在火車站附近。

  11、It”s not far from here.離這兒不遠。

  12、Excuse me, I wonder if you could do me a favour. I”m looking for the police station?對不起,不知能否幫我,我在找警察局。

  13、Excuse me, would you please show me the way to the post office?請告訴我去郵局怎麼走好嗎?

  14、It”s at the end of the street.在這條街的盡頭。

  15、Excuse me, could you give me some directions?請你給我指指路好嗎?

  16、Go straight on, then turn right at the second crossing.一直走,在第二個十字路口向右拐。

  17、It”s about 200 metres from here.離這兒大約300米。

  18、It”s about half an hour”s ride.乘車大約半小時。

  19、Which is the best way to get there?去那兒走哪條路最好呢?

  20、Is this the only way to get there?去那兒只有這一條路嗎?

  21、Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the train station?勞駕,請問去火車站怎麼走?

  22、Excuse me, does this bus go to the train station?請問這公共汽車是開火車站的嗎?

  23、Excuse me, where”s the bus station, please?請問公共汽車站在什麼地方?

  24、It”s just across the street.就在街那邊。

  25、Excuse me, could you tell me which is the way to the nearest hospital?請問去最近的醫院怎麼走?

  26、Excuse me, could you tell me where there is a public telephone?請問哪兒有公用電話?

  27、What street is this?這是什麼街?

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