分類:初二作文 字數:300字 編輯:得得9
Girl: Sir, I can’t found my bike!
Police (P): All right, we catch a man and I will trial him
P: Where were you at 11:00 am last Sunday?
Man (M): I was in the park.
P: What were you doing there?
M: I was walking in the park.
P: Do you know a girl miss her bike?
M: Sorry, I don’t know.
P: Ok, so, where were you at 11:10 am?
M: I was walking around the lake.
P: Do you know the bike was missing by the lake!
P: Where were you at 11:15?
M: I was getting out of the park.
P: Why were you getting out so early? You just come in the park for 10 minutes!
M: Because…Err…
P: Where were you at 11:20?
M: I forget about it.
P: Ok, sir. Somebody saw you take the bike away. And that bike is the girl’s!
M: Err…
P: So I think, you steal the bike! I will charge you!
trial審問 charge起訴

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