分類:初二作文 字數:600字 編輯:pp958
fahrenheit451 標籤:christmas作文 45分鐘作文 512作文 512大地震作文
I think Fahrenheit 451 is a work of imagination, but it contains the elements of future life. Firemen burn books (start the fire) instead of saving them (put out fire). That circumstance is unreal. The huge obsession over “the family” which is the TV box is over exaggerated. But that could be a possible prediction for the future. And Ray Bradbury saw this when TV was invented. Thus he got his theme from the reality, and presented it in an imaginary way. Then there comes the ban of books, with TVs and radios no one would bother to read books any more. TV programs are like fast foods, easier to digest, take less time, are more entertaining, are more convenient, and they give people this visual shock. While books can get boring, they take up lots of patience and time, but much healthier. Despite those facts, people love fast food just as much. The other reason is no one can write a book without hurting someone’s feelings. “Colored people don’t like Little Black Sambo. Burn it. White people don’t feel good about Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Burn it.” The books get burnt by people with different opinions, or else books turn into some stack of crap paper without any points or use. They’ll look all the same and in the end no one will by them anyway. By telling this, Ray Bradbury predicted the destiny of books, as well as the destinies of our society, our lives. One thing that’s weird was the people’s thoughts and behavior. It was so ridiculous! People just walk around without talking to each other, lock themselves in the living rooms with “the family” instead of talking to their real families. Their brains are wreaked and their hearts are numb; they wouldn’t feel a thing even if someone close to them dies. There are heartless people in this world but most are caring and sensitive, and that is not reality!
fahrenheit451 作文推薦:

- ·fahrenheit451600字
- ·whether grandpar200字
- ·thethreebrotherg1600字
- ·.thē.ēnd.500字
- ·.thē.ēnd500字
- ·whereshallwegoon200字
- ·shenqideyinhe500字
- ·dreamofwithreali200字
- ·thechristmastree1100字
- ·the three gorges200字
- ·wherethereis(有志者200字
- ·togetherthrought500字
- ·真的是緣part4500字
- ·約定(part4)800字
- ·mydreanhome200字
- ·comments on gree300字
- ·nizhenhao900字
- ·theelfinhill故事1400字
- ·哈,軍訓〖three〗1000字
- ·聖誕樹(christmastre100字
- ·『向右走』後續three1200字
- ·threeautumnleave100字
- ·流離萎落【three】3000字
- ·我聽見天使在哭three700字
- ·漫天飛舞的雪櫻three900字
- ·光陰紀【three】1000字
- ·童話——淘淘和丹丹(three)1000字
- ·雨天的夜櫻three1400字
- ·戰國校園計謀onetwothre800字
- ·onetwothree1100字
- ·是痛苦,但卻不是煩惱!800字
- ·美麗的製造500字
- ·朋友1200字
- ·母親400字
- ·夜的美600字
- ·還沒想好..題目100字
- ·拆遷中的家鄉800字
- ·苦夏500字
- ·雨100字
- ·阿q的洗髮水100字
- ·我為環保獻一計1400字
- ·母親800字
- ·將帥的風範1100字
- ·同桌100字
- ·責任500字
- ·夢幻童年作文 天文奇觀作文
- ·不能說的秘密作文 金點子作文
- ·父母作文 桑果作文
- ·建國六十年作文 水精靈作文
- ·受感作文 節約,從我做起作文
- ·夕陽無限好作文
- ·變奏曲作文
- ·最後的離別作文
- ·波瀾作文
- ·我的一個星期天作文
- ·小豌豆作文
- ·快樂的元宵作文300字 天使夢作文200字
- ·防震演習作文 好處作文450字
- ·《草房子》讀後感600字 《木偶奇遇記》讀後感
- ·你的手作文1000字 沉默的父愛作文800字
- ·過中秋作文500字 榮譽作文500字
- ·游北京作文400字